This blog is to provide tips and tools for achieving financial security. The main emphasis is on personal finance and money management - earning, saving , spending and investing. Importantly, the different between saving and investing will be stressed. In addition to original content, the best of the web will be aggregated to provide you with one location for the latest trends, deals, and money management tips.
It does not matter how much or how little money you have. It does not matter your age or stage in life. Money management is for all people - and we can all benefit from taking specific steps towards managing our finances. Money management, however, is not a one size fit all. And so, I've embarked on a renewed journey to find my personal path in these uncertain times. One of my new year's resolutions was to prioritize personal finances. As such, since the beginning of the year I have embarked upon a journey with daily experiments. To date, the results of those experiments have exceeded my expectations and led me to other experiments.
Every day, I have found an additional way to improve financial security through a myriad of means: saving, conservative spending, money management and even additional earning/or increasing earning potential.
It is my deepest wish that through this blog, others will be inspired to undertake their own personal finance journeys as we are certain that we must learn to live with greater uncertainty.
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