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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Food For Thought

A puzzle undone, which forms a cubeImage via Wikipedia

A few weeks ago, the Jamaica Gleaner ran an excellent piece in Money Management: You are financially unprepared if....

I have found that some people have great intentions with regard to money management, but have not fully grasped the context of how the various pieces fit together. For example:
  • So maybe they go looking for great deals, but charge purchases on credit cards and pay only the minimum until it is paid off. That defeats the purpose of money management.
  • Others, have a difficult time prioritizing and saving a nest egg, because they see the "now" and not the "what if". That also defeats the purpose of money management
In this piece above stated, the author gives a great job of spelling out where people typically make the big mistakes, and her opinion of what you should do. I would not necessarily advocate every single one of her solutions concurrently, because it really depends on your personal circumstances. However, the basic arguments she makes are very sound.

A worthwhile read!
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Financial Security: Tips + Tools by Deika Morrison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.